Friday, June 16, 2017


Just had my chemo pump removed - such a relief! This time I skipped the steroid on infusion days 2 and 3 and was able to sleep better, but had more nausea. Seems each medication poses a trade-off, providing some benefit, but also undesirable side effects. I think I prefer skipping the steroid and putting up with a little nausea in order to get better sleep. 

I went back to work on June 5th. That was a non-chemo week for me so I worked full-time for the whole week. It felt good to be back with my co-workers and a more productive schedule, but I was exhausted by Friday. This week, I was off Wed-Fri for infusions and am glad that I didn't have to go to work with the nausea-inducing chemo pump attached!

Seems like this part of my year of treatments is the part taking the most personal endurance. Yes, the chemo-radiation was tough, especially the last 4 weeks, but it was relatively short and it was my first treatment so my body was still pretty resilient. Yes, the surgery was brutal, but my main task was simply to adjust to the changes and heal afterwards. BUT now ...this 4 months of chemo comes on top of the other treatments that have taken their toll. This part of the treatment requires me to deal with multiple sequelae from prior treatments and to endure the port, nausea, exhaustion, and a myriad of side effects which seem to become more intense and last longer each time I get an infusion. I know that I will get to the end of this - it just feels like a total slog, both mentally and physically.

I am taking advantage of the times that I feel OK by getting out and enjoying life, friends, food, and have even gone to the gym a few times. It really helps to have good days amongst the tough ones. Thanks to everyone who has helped me enjoy those good days - and for those who have sent me encouragement on the tough days. I really couldn't do this without y'all!!


  1. Thinking about you, my dear friend❤️

  2. Hang in there, Jane dear. You're good for the long haul, and so are all the people you love you!

    xo Sarah

  3. it is a slog but I know of no one as strong as you to get through it. The sleep off the steroids must help although as you said its a trade off. I'm glad that you are able to get out some and enjoy the company of good friends. Is this a work week for you? Would love to come and visit very soon! Sending lots of love!

  4. PLEASE dear Jane, remember to rest a lot my dear even more then you may want.I can totally understand you wanting to do things when you feel up to it, but your body craves rest rest rest:) love you!
