Thursday, June 1, 2017

Chemo cocktail - not as much fun as a real cocktail!

The second chemo infusion started yesterday. Like last time, they gave me oxaliplatin in the infusion room (about 2.5 hours), then hooked me up to a pump with 5-FU that is now tagging around after me, pulsing micro-portions of poisons (oooops - I mean medicines) into my jugular vein for 48 hours. They dose me with dexamethazone to try to prevent some of the side effects of the chemo and it helps, but makes me kind of hyper and more than 4 hours sleep is impossible on infusion days and a few days after. Talk about adding insult to injury.

The good news is that the regular and painful abdominal issues seem to have ceased! Not sure how to explain that - but I'll take it. Also, I am starting to sit upright for short periods of time and have been given permission to start driving.

So, I still have a few days to get through this infusion and aftermath, but it is looking like for the rest of the summer I can expect a good week (the week w/o chemo) and a tough week (the infusion week). Knowing that, I plan to return to work on June 5th, which should be a "good week" and then take 3 days off (Wed-Fri) the following week for infusions.

While somewhat hesitant about returning to work as a "bag lady" and with everything else going on health-wise, I am also excited to get back to a more normal, productive life. First priority task - there is a large sum of money at EPA designated for the next fiscal year of work on Lake Champlain - I need to get our grant application in this month before it (or EPA) disappears! 

I really appreciate all your support - so many people checked in to see how infusions are going and give me encouragement. I can't tell you how much this cheers me on! Love you all! Xoxo


  1. So good to hear your update, Upbeat.

  2. You are on your way to optimum health!!! Such good news....LOVE YOU TOOTS!

  3. Hey beautiful! I've been thinking of you every day and checking daily for updates - and somehow I just got this, a week late. Go figure. You sound good - though I know this must be so tough on you. I hope you are managing at work this week. If I can be of help to you in your grant writing (I can write, if you need some of that done) just let me know. If you find you can't sleep, please don't hesitate to call me - anytime - day or night. I don't sleep really well anyway - it would be great to have someone to talk to in the wee hours! Love you!

  4. Thinking of you Jane! I'm a bit late checking in and I hope things are still progressing on an upward slope. I will call soon. Love you, Sarah

  5. It's been such a busy time here but I thought of you last Saturday night when I drove into Greensboro on a full moon night. Is this a work week for you? Hopefully also a sleep week then. Please feel free to call anytime. Im hoping it all will get easier now that you know what to expect. Lots of love, cn
