Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Moving Forward - NYC


Today we are at Sloan Kettering in NYC for an "second" opinion.   I hope our questions will be more precise and helpful in determining a course of action.  It is amazing how dumb one can feel when emotions are high.  I can barely read a scientific paper, draft thoughtful questions, or even have a sustained conversation.  I think that we are both spinning.  We struggle to listen to different doctors present their part of care and integrate the whole thing.  This is clearly a tough cancer and extremely rare. I hope that today and tomorrow go well - Steve


We had a productive trip to Sloan Kettering this Tues- Wednes with oncologists who had some experience with Jane's rare cancers. The SK oncologists have pretty much conferred with the team at Lahey, but they recommend that we start, rather than end, with 4-5 months of chemo. Their logic is that more people tolerate the grueling full-year regimen of treatments and surgery when done this way. Also, starting with full chemo may be the best way to minimize any cancer cells that may have strayed from the original tumor site and set up residence in distant parts of the body. Distant metastasis is the true enemy to avoid here!

This upcoming week we will hopefully get the Lahey team to agree to the wisdom of this approach and start putting a plan into action.

We head back to Massachusetts Thanksgiving morning, and look forward to giving thanks for being together with Sage, Rory and good friends on the holiday.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

Jane and Steve


  1. So glad you've had the benefit of the more experienced doctors at SK. I know you face a long hard road ahead, but I also know that you are strong and will attack this with a formidable life force. I will help in any way I can, as will all those who love you, and that's quite a crowd. One thing I am thankful for is that you have found a way forward. Wish I could see you! I'm sending you both a bone-crushing hug.

  2. Thank you for the update - we are thankful to have you in our life - wishing you a peacuful and ressourceful Thanksgiving - big hugs

  3. I'm so glad that you made the trip and have a clearer path forward to knock this cancer back. It's a really good sign that the doctors are working together. You are surrounded by loving friends and family that will help you get through these treatments. You can do it! Sending you lots of hugs.

  4. Jane and Steve- We are here for you, sending love and blessings to your family, Kim, Scott, Natalie, and Shannon

  5. It's so wise to have sought out that second opinion. It must be so difficult to assess all the information from different doctors--but it sounds like you have a good plan. We're glad you got to hunker down with the kids for Thanksgiving. Like many others, we are thankful for your friendship, and are here to help however we can. ��
