Wednesday, August 9, 2017


My Fitbit is angry and is letting me know. It does not like infusion days as they lead to unhealthy long periods of sitting. My stomach and extremities are angry too, as infusion days lead to nausea, cold intolerance, cramping and pain. But I am not angry - this is infusion #7 - the second to last! What a long strange trip it has been.

One glitch this week. My platelets are in the danger zone. I will need to go in next week to have another blood draw, and they may postpone treatment #8 if they continue to drop. Platelets allow the blood to clot, so they worry about uncontrolled bleeding should platelets drop too low. I reminded Steve to drive carefully on the way home from the hospital today - no bloody car accidents please- he listened!

I have been asked to be a volunteer to talk with others who have my cancer, and have my 3rd volunteer call tonight. The most interest seems to be from people whose cancer has advanced to the point where they have been recommended APR surgery. Talking with people about APR surgery is difficult for me as I still feel ambivalent myself. It is still a bit early for me to be a good counselor I think, my feelings have not settled. Living with a colostomy is a big, disruptive life change, no question about it. It is forever - even after the more immediate pains and concerns with treatments have subsided, the colostomy remains.

On the other hand, I know of people who have refused the dreaded APR surgery who have died when the cancer spread. I know my APR probably saved my life. So, although the feelings are mixed, I try to be both positive and honest with my counselees. In time, I think I will get this all clearer in my head.

I'll post later once I get blood test results next week. Hoping I can proceed forward and finish up all the treatments by the end of August. I am already planning a kickass fall!

Love y'all!! 💕💕💕💕💕


  1. You have strong bone marrow! And I am sending your bone marrow love and support to rally with platelets, and the other things SuperJane needs right now.
