Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Surgery avoided - WHEW!

After 2 days on IV only, it looks like my body is healing itself and Lahey will not have to perform a surgery to fix the blockage. Big, relieved exhale!! The possibility of having to undergo another abdominal surgery so close to the last one (just as I am getting mentally prepared to start 4 months of chemo) was unthinkable. I had to schedule a visit with the oncology psychologist yesterday to help me figure out how to deal with this (and possible future) setbacks.

My doctors are ordering up some simple foods for me to try. If I can eat without getting pains again, It looks like they will discharge me. I now understand how important it is to stay hydrated and pay attention to the signals my body is sending me. I will need to be more cautious about the foods I eat until my ostomy and abdomen have healed and I am more familiar with my new "remodel". I shall consider it a lesson learned (albeit a painful, expensive, and time-consuming one) and will do all I can to avoid future trips to the ER!

Thanks to all who cheered me through this ordeal! Thanks to Sage, Marion, Brenda and Steve for keeping me company and tolerating the stale hospital air here! Hopefully, very soon I will be back on the path to recovery.

Love you all! 💕💕 Jane


  1. Thank god you avoided the surgery!! Know that I am cheering for you and that you are in my thoughts every day even though we are 1000's of miles apart. Enjoy the beautiful spring flowers and know that a big smiley face is looking over you in Seattle.

  2. Loving you and thinking of you every day, sending my best hopes for a quick and thorough recovery! Are you home yet? I'm glad you are working with the oncology psychologist - get all the help you need - this is a LOT to have to deal with. Wish I could be of more help!

  3. HUGE sign of relief here! Thank goodness you don't have to add another surgery to your burden. I love the way you refer to this as a "remodel". Breathe deep.

  4. Good job Jane and Janey's body!! Gastro tubes no fun but bette then surgery!!! Sending you all lots of love ..i was away this week but home now if you want to talk...
