Monday, March 27, 2017

Belly Blues

Jane's belly on 3/27/17 - Planned stoma site.

Lots of appointments today! First meeting with Dr. Francone (colorectal surgeon), then with Ostomy nurse, then 2 pre-op appointments/blood tests, then meeting with anaesthesiologist. UGH. Reality is setting in about this major event next Tuesday that will permanently change my body and life. I had Steve take a picture of my belly after they marked it for the ostomy site. It will never look the same again. My digestive system will never work the same again. After next Tuesday, I will have an "appliance" forever attached to my body. Still in a bit of disbelief that this is all happening to me. 


  1. Oh that poor, beautiful belly! Oh my poor, beautiful Juanita! How I wish there was something I could do to spare you this strange, terrible and wonderful odyssey. Strange because it is so bizarre to be struck like this, as if the jealous gods just pointed a finger to blast you - you of all people - so positive, so energetic, so healthy in body, mind and habits. Terrible because it is terrible to have your body violated, first by the disease, and then by the treatment. But wonderful too, because it will preserve everything that is so wonderful about you - it will keep you vibrant and loving and eager to enjoy all that life has to offer. And none of this can touch your beauty, because your beauty shines right out of your soul, and will only glow brighter as you navigate this trail. I am so thankful for your "appliance", because it will keep you with us! Hugs, and tears too, with love, Cathy

  2. We love you and your belly now.
    And we will love you and your belly after, too.
    With you,
